leagasmen.blogspot.com: Motivation, Inspiration & Leadership

Motivation, Inspiration & Leadership

Design for the people who needs & wants motivations, advices, preparing them to be a successful person someday, designing their present for the future. I believe that every person have their personal reasons why they become successful in life also in terms of career & family.So let us all Learn & Enjoy.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Jim Rohn Quick Facts

Main Areas: Business Coaching; Motivation
Career Focus: Author; Speaker; Counselor; Seminar Leader
Affiliation: Jim Rohn International

Jim Rohn is one of the most influential thinkers of our time. His profound business philosophy, creative insight, and inspirational messages have made him a popular speaker, writer, and counselor. His seminars have spanned over 39 years, and he has addressed over 6,000 audiences and 4 million people worldwide.

As a motivational speaker, Jim addresses such topics as sales and entrepreneurial skills, leadership, sales and marketing, and personal development. He always approaches the subjects of personal and business success by asking four questions: Why?, Why not?, Why not you?, and Why not now?. He answers these questions and reveals practical secrets for productivity. Jim’s anecdotes and witty style fascinate listeners, igniting their enthusiasm and “can-do” spirit.

Jim is the recipient of the 1985 National Speakers Association CPAE Award, and he is the author of various books, such as The Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle. He also has assorted audio and video programs, like The Art of Exceptional Living, which provides the ideas and inspiration that lead to unstoppable daily progress.

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